Human Development Across the Lifespan OpenCourseWare: Free Undergraduate Level Introduction to Human Development Course by Dixie State College of Utah

Published Jan 07, 2009

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Want to learn more about the many factors that influence your physical and emotional growth? Then check out Dixie State College of Utah's OpenCourseWare, 'Human Development Across the Lifespan.' This introductory level online course is part of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology curriculum and provides useful materials for teachers or researchers working in this area.

Human Development Across the Lifespan: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Human Development Across the Lifespan: Course Description

'Human Development Across the Lifespan,' OpenCourseWare offered by Dixie State College of Utah, is a seminar-based course taught by Timothy Eicher, an Associate Professor in Family Consumer Sciences and Education. 'Human Development Across the Lifespan' is intended to help students understand the emotional, physical and social development of men and women from infancy to adulthood through various theories and methodologies.

This online class provides week-by-week lesson plans and supplementary materials that could be of great use to a teacher planning a similar class or an independent researcher looking for a guide to their own studies in this field. The lesson plans outline different topics, such as different philosophies concerning human development, 'BioPsychoSocial' development and behavioral theory. In addition, the lesson plans clearly state the objectives of each class (such as understanding learning theory) and steps to accomplish that objective (like a group exercise for students to apply the principles learned in class). In addition, these plans describe videos, activities, tests and quizzes that should accompany each lesson topic.

Finally, avail yourself of the downloadable supplementary materials packet to find useful handouts, like a checklist for taking notes on infant behavior, interview questions and descriptions of written assignments that students enrolled in the course would complete. 'Human Development Across the Lifespan' is part of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology curriculum.

This free online class includes a syllabus, 13 weeks of lesson plans and a 54-page supplementary packet. If you'd like to learn more about this OpenCourseWare class, check out the human development course page.