Product Design and Development OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Level Product Design and Development Course

Published Jan 19, 2009

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'Product Design and Development' is free OpenCourseWare that brings the fields of business, mechanical engineering and industrial design together to teach students about the product development process. This MIT course challenges students to design a product, create a marketing plan and make every other preparation for its mass production. This free class is intended for graduate students in business administration, mechanical engineering and industrial design.

Product Design and Development: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Product Design and Development: Course Description

This free course challenged students enrolled in graduate programs in mechanical engineering, business and industrial design to create a product and plan its marketing. While students made product design proposals and conducted case studies on successful products, Professors Steven Eppinger, Thomas Roemer, Warren Seering and Matthew Kressy lectured on principles of effective product design. Lecture topics included prototyping, maintaining ownership of intellectual property and recent product development trends. The original course focused on a group product design project, with an emphasis on the development process. Groups researched their intended market, defined competitors, did a patent review and built a proof of concept prototype.

This free OpenCourseWare includes lecture notes, a reading list, assignment and project guidelines and sample projects and assignments from past product development groups. To find out how you might conceive and develop your own product, please visit the new product creating - design to prototype - course page.

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