Urban Design and Development OpenCourseWare: A Free Undergraduate Urban Design Course by MIT

Published Feb 22, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology provides this free class that focuses on the framework of cities and the manner that cities, suburbs and urban areas can be shaped and designed. Undergraduate students interested in Urban Planning will benefit from the 'Introduction to Urban Design and Development' OpenCourseWare.

Introduction to Urban Design and Development: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Introduction to Urban Design and Development: Course Description

Urban design is collaborative process that involves a variety of disciplines giving character, form and shape to physical environments in towns, cities and regions. Aspects of urban design include the design, layout, spacing and contour of buildings and landforms. 'Introduction to Urban Design and Development' is a free course provided by the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning. It examines the physical, cultural, political and economic factors that influence and shape regions over time. Students will be exposed to theories and concepts by various experts who specialize in the design and development of cities, suburbs and geographic regions. Students will also take a look at the designs of new towns and look at the means by which established cities have undergone sprawl and regeneration. Taught primarily by Susan Silberberg, 'Introduction to Urban Design and Development' examines urban design by covering a wide variety of topics, including methods of visualizing cities, the design of American cities and the relationship of the environment and the city. Students who complete this course will gain an appreciation of how cities and suburbs were developed and insights into creating the cites and suburban areas of the future.

The materials for this OpenCourseWare include lecture notes and assignments that are available in downloadable PDF format, as well as a list of readings. If you would like to take advantage of this course, visit the urban design course page.