Adolescent Health and Development OpenCourseWare: Free Online Undergraduate Course on Adolescent Health by Johns Hopkins University

Published Dec 30, 2008

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Johns Hopkins University's free undergraduate OpenCourseWare class in 'Adolescent Health and Development' covers the psychological and biological alterations that occur during adolescence. The course is intended for those interested in public health.

Adolescent Health and Development: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Adolescent Health and Development: Course Description

The Department of Population and Family Health Sciences of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, offers a course about the growth and health of teenagers and young adults. Materials from this course are available as free online OpenCourseWare. The course examines the health changes in adolescents and explores methods of improving their health. Students focus most specifically on adolescents who have disabilities, adolescents' reproductive health, juveniles in the justice system and substance use. The course surveys the differences in adolescents' development throughout the world by comparing different countries. The course is taught by lecturer Robert W. Blum, of Johns Hopkins University's School of Public Health.

This OpenCourseWare includes lecture slides, a reading list and discussion questions. People interested in this free course should visit the adolescent health course page.