Motion Based Design OpenCourseWare: MIT's Graduate Level Free Online Course on the Design of Motion Sensitive Structures

Published Jan 07, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare class titled 'Motion Based Design' is a graduate-level course for engineering students, practicing engineers or any others interested in specific engineering aspects of structural design. This free course covers techniques for the design of motion-sensitive structures, such as towers or bridges.

Motion Based Design: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Motion Based Design: Course Description

At the heart of understanding motion-based design is understanding structural motion control, which is the control of structural vibration by passive and active means. Motion control aims to reduce or eliminate structural vibration. Vibration is problematic in nearly all modern structures. This focus on motion-based design is replacing the traditional design method of structures, known as strength-based design. The traditional design outlook was to create a structure where all the elements were primarily made to conform to the structure's strength requirements. Modern structure designers recognize the need for motion control because modern designs and technologies, through greater material efficiency, have reduced structure damping, mass and stiffness. This course is designed for structural, civil and architectural disciplines, among others. The course material is of particular importance to graduate-level engineering students and practicing engineers. Specific course topics include base isolation systems, tuned mass dampers, optimal stiffness distribution and controlling motion through dampers. Plenty of examples show motion-based design in the real world. Professor Jerome Connor teaches the course in a lecture format.

This course includes interactive Java tools, reference lists to structure examples and links to additional resources. If you're interested in taking this free course, visit the motion-sensitive design course page.

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