Chinese VI OpenCourseWare (regular): A Free Online Undergraduate Class by MIT on Chinese Society, Culture, and Language

Published Feb 11, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers its 'Chinese VI (regular): Discovering Chinese Cultures and Societies' as free OpenCourseWare. The original course is the last course in a sequence of Chinese language classes for students who major or minor in Chinese. The course helps students use their advanced Chinese language skills to explore the culture and society of the Chinese mainland and beyond.

Chinese VI (regular): Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Chinese VI (regular): Course Description

'Chinese VI (regular): Discovering Chinese Cultures and Societies' was designed for advanced students who are already fluent in Mandarin Chinese, but who want to practice their language skills and expand their knowledge of Chinese culture. The lecture course was taught at MIT by Professor Tong Chen for students pursuing Chinese language minors or majors in the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department. It extends students' language skills by providing reading, listening, writing and speaking practice at the advanced level. 'Chinese VI (regular): Discovering Chinese Cultures and Societies' also aims to expand students' understanding of Chinese culture and history with lessons on topics like the 1903 political movement and the Cultural Revolution.

This free online Mandarin Chinese course includes video recordings, a list of online resources, downloadable assignments and discussion forum questions (in Mandarin Chinese). If you are interested in taking this free course, visit the advanced Chinese language course page.

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