Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission OpenCourseWare: A Free Undergraduate Class by MIT

Published Jan 28, 2009

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This MIT course material is offered free through the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and is part of a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. 'Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission' focuses on several neurotransmitters and how they are released, stimulated and moderated.

Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission: Course Description

This undergraduate and graduate-level Neuroscience class looks at how chemicals like serotonin carry messages from nerve terminals to the brain and other areas of the body. The emphasis is not on the chemical, but on how it transmits specific messages. Students also study the larger molecules that control this transmission by slowing it down, stopping it from happening or allowing it to take place. Beyond the study of neurotransmitters, students look at certain diseases and learn how neurotransmission affects the diseases' progression or abatement. 'Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission' was originally taught by Professor Richard Wurtman at MIT, structured with two weekly 1.5-hour lectures and one weekly 1.5-hour discussion and presentation time. MIT students at a graduate level were expected to write a term paper.

This OpenCourseWare Neuroscience class offers a reading list, a list of assignments and downloadable study materials. To take this class or look at others like it, visit this biochemical and pharmacological neuroscience course website.

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