Structural Materials in Cells OpenCourseWare: The Open University's Free Bachelor Level Biology Class on Cell Structures

Published Feb 19, 2009

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'Structural Material in Cells' looks at proteins and lipids as building material for cells. This Open University OpenCourseWare was designed for advanced biochemistry students.

Structural Material in Cells: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Structural Material in Cells: Course Description

This Open University 20-hour course begins with a discussion of biological materials and their properties. It then focuses on the construction of a cell's membrane with lipids. Next, the course reviews a variety of different proteins, including structural proteins, enzymes and transport proteins, and their function and structure. The course goes on to study spider silk and the relationship of the structure of a protein to its properties. Finally, the course discusses what is known about natural proteins and genetic engineering, using the example of employing genetic engineering to enable goats to produce spider silk.

'Structural Material in Cells' consists of lectures, notes, figures, tables and questions with answers. If interested, visit the structural material course page.

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