Architecture Classes Online: Overview of Common Online Architecture Classes and Courses
Many online Architecture classes cover the same material as do on-campus courses. Students study the history of Architecture, architectural studio, Architecture sites, urbanism and architectural construction.
Architecture Classes Online - History of Architecture
Many schools offer an online class covering the history of Architecture, an important course for any budding architect. The class may cover world Architecture, exploring Architecture from different cultures throughout the world. A class on early Western Architecture covers architectural styles from the ancient era through the medieval era to Renaissance and Enlightenment structures and design. Later survey courses discuss the development of Architecture over the past few centuries, ending with the Modernist and post-Modernists.
Architecture Classes Online - Architecture Studio
All Architecture programs include substantial studio elements. Many schools have adapted these classes for online instruction. They teach many of the most important elements of practical Architecture. An Architecture studio course may cover design analysis and synthesis processes while teaching skills in transformation, abstraction, form, spatial modulation, 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional composition, and design and practical drawing. Other iterations of this type of common online Architecture class may cover the integration of building elements, including the site and the program. Students also learn about safety and building codes, as well as enclosure technologies for building frames and skins.
Architecture Classes Online - Architecture Sites
Many online Architecture programs offer classes that cover the integration of the site's terrain and environment and its impact on a building's Architecture. Such a course may cover building technological systems and ecological devices. Students may also learn preservation techniques, as well as technologies for thermal design, plumbing systems, acoustics and daylighting. This type of course teaches students to optimize development based on the building site.
Architecture Classes Online - Urbanism
On a practical level, students of Architecture can take online courses to understand the theory of urban building and design. This type of course may cover land use, infrastructure and the design of urban aggregates of buildings, along with the convergence of culture and Architecture for urban environments.
Architecture Classes Online - Architectural Construction
A course in architectural construction covers different technological construction systems and methods that may be used in Architecture. Such courses may focus on wall sections, sustainability, envelope performance, systems modules, system integration codes and costs. Students may also study material science, statics, member analysis, cladding, structural capacity and connection design.
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