Video Arts II OpenCourseWare: A Free Advanced Undergraduate Video Arts Class by MIT

Published Feb 10, 2009

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In this advanced Media Arts and Sciences class, students gain a deeper understanding of how to use classic video techniques to develop great storylines. 'Advanced Projects in the Visual Arts: Personal Narrative' is offered through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's OpenCourseWare. It is free to anyone interested in the topic, but completion of an Introduction to Video course or some other video experience would be helpful.

Advanced Projects in the Visual Arts (Personal Narrative): Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Advanced Projects in the Visual Arts (Personal Narrative): Course Description

One of the basic elements in any video production is storyline. In this course, 'Advanced Projects in the Visual Arts: Personal Narrative,' students work on their own video assignment with a view towards creating a solid storyline, showing growth in their characters and establishing a strong story ending. Students also explore ways to handle flashbacks, foretelling and jumps in time and space. In this class, students learn advanced audio techniques and editing methods, as well as special effects. Access to a studio, editing equipment and field production equipment is necessary for OpenCourseWare learners. This course was part of a Bachelor of Science in Media Arts and Sciences and was taught by MIT Professor Joe Gibbons.

This Visual Arts course includes recommendations of screenings and selected reading materials. It also includes five comprehensive assignments and examples of former students' midterm and final projects. If interested in this Video Arts course, please visit this video production course page.