Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution OpenCourseWare: A Free Bachelor Level Geology Course by MIT

Published Jan 28, 2009

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As part of their OpenCourseWare project, MIT currently offers a free, online version of 'Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution'. This undergraduate-level course, is offered through the university's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences to students interested in Geology, Geography and related fields. It offers an examination of the many physical processes that contribute to the shaping of the Earth's surface.

Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution: Course Specifics

Degree LevelFreeAudioVideoDownload
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/NotesStudy MaterialsTests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution: Course Description

This undergraduate-level OpenCourseWare offers students an introduction to the ways in which the geologic processes of the earth interact with its climate to shape its surface. Taught by Professor Kelin Whipple and teaching assistant, Ben Crosby, 'Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution' covers topics like soil formation, erosion and sediment transport. While lecture makes up a portion of the course, emphasis is placed on field study and scientific reporting. Instruction in surface process computer modeling is offered, as well as discussion of a variety of climatic and tectonic forces and their influences on landscapes of the Earth.

Materials that accompany this course include downloadable lecture notes and lab guides. To learn more, or to download course materials, visit the geologic surface processes course page.