Spanish II OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Undergraduate Level II Spanish Language Course

Published Feb 05, 2009

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Students enrolled in MIT's 'Spanish II' OpenCourseWare project will continue to develop their Spanish listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students will also view Spanish films along with other media to better understand Spanish-speaking cultures. Completion of Spanish I is required before taking part in this course.

Spanish II: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lecture Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes Yes

Spanish II: Course Description

'Spanish II' is taught by Professors Margarita Groeger, Solivia Marquez, and Jose A. Ramos. The course is designed for students that have already successfully completed Spanish I. This course picks up from the preceding course and continues to develop the student's reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. This course continues to use a video component called Destinos. Destinos is a Spanish soap opera and allows students to experience Spanish culture while learning how the language is used in everyday contexts. Students will also have the opportunity to view other related media and films to aid in their learning of the Spanish language. The final grade is determined by written work completed during class time and four in-class quizzes.

Assignments and information about class activities can be downloaded online for free. If you are interested in taking this course, please visit the Spanish II homepage.