Online Cosmetology Degree: Career Options for Graduates with an Online Cosmetology Degree
Online degrees in cosmetology, such as an Associate of Applied Science in Cosmetology Business, tend to be focused on the business aspects of the trade since the art of cosmetology is best learned through hands-on practice. These online degree programs prepare cosmetologists for careers as salon supervisors or owners, product educators and sales specialists. The following article includes descriptions of several career options for graduates with an online cosmetology degree.
Cosmetology Career Summary
With the business training provided by online programs, cosmetologists posses the skills necessary for managerial and sales positions within the cosmetology industry. These professionals might deal with products generally used in the industry or manage businesses and other employees. In addition, they may still perform the functions of a cosmetologist, including hair cutting and styling, skin care, make-up application, manicures and pedicures.
Salon Managers and Owners
The salon manger is responsible for the overall operations of a salon or spa. Managers might be in charge of budgeting, accounting and purchasing supplies. They might take care of marketing the salon. They also hire, train and mange a salon's employees.
Often, they serve as the customer service representative for the business. They may be called upon to calm disgruntled clients. Salon owners are ultimately responsible for the financing of the business.
Product Educators
Some salons, spas and other related outlets hire cosmetologists to test products and to educate customers on the use and application of specific products. In department stores, for instance, cosmetologists provide customers with make-overs, showing them how to choose colors that compliment their tones and apply the make-up properly. These positions require specific knowledge of the products as well as strong communication and marketing skills.
Sales Specialists
Sales specialists are employed in the cosmetology industry by salons and spas as well as product manufacturers. For the manufacturer, the sales specialist might promote cosmetology products to existing customers and seek out new customers. They educate the customers, in this case usually salons and spas, about the products. Within a salon or spa, a sales specialist will market products directly to the consumer.
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