Mechanical Behavior of Plastics OpenCourseWare: A Free Graduate Level Polymeric Materials Course by MIT

Published Jan 27, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers the course 'Mechanical Behavior of Plastics' through its OpenCourseWare program. The course presents the basic concepts surrounding the reaction of polymeric substances or materials to applied loads. This course is a core requirement for students in the Polymer Science and Technology program and is an optional class for doctoral degree candidates in materials science fields.

Mechanical Behavior of Plastics: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Mechanical Behavior of Plastics: Course Description

OpenCourseWare 'Mechanical Behavior of Plastics' looks at polymeric materials and their basic or fundamental response to applied loads. The course investigates the involved molecular mechanisms and the math representation of the pertinent continuum mechanics. The original course was a core requirement for students in the Polymer Science and Technology program and an optional class for doctoral students in the polymeric material and biomaterial option. Specific topics covered include polymer structure, elastic solids deformation, rubber-like elasticity, linear viscoelasticity, composite laminates and materials, yield and fracture. Professor David Roylance taught the original course at MIT in a lecture-style format.

Online material for this course includes a syllabus listing lecture topics and the textbook pages that cover each topic, a reading list, three sample exams and a selection of assignments. To find out more about this course, visit the plastics' mechanical behavior course page.

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