Graduate Level Materials Engineering OpenCourseWare

  • Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials OpenCourseWare: An MIT Graduate Level Free Online Course

    'Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials' OpenCourseWare employs the application and theory of atom-level computer simulations to predict, understand and model real materials' properties. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston offers this course to the public. The information is targeted to beginning graduate students and would be useful for engineers pursuing a master's degree or a deeper understanding of materials science or a related branch of engineering.

  • Electronic & Mechanical Properties of Materials OpenCourseWare: A Free Online Graduate Study Materials Science Course by MIT

    Through OpenCourseWare, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) shares information and knowledge from a variety of courses, including the 'Electronic & Mechanical Properties of Materials' course offered by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The fundamental or underlying concepts that ascertain electrical, magnetic, optical & mechanical properties of semiconductors, polymers, metals and ceramics make up the course. The materials provided online might be of interest to individuals with the background and training necessary to approach these topics at a graduate-student level, such as an engineer pursuing a Masters of Engineering degree in Materials Science.

  • Fracture and Fatigue OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Course on Material Fracture Mechanics

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston shares many of the materials from its 'Fracture and Fatigue' engineering course with the public through a free OpenCourseWare presentation. This course examines elastic-plastic and linear elastic fracture mechanics. The online version of the class might be useful to engineers seeking advanced education on this subject for their work or to graduate students in engineering programs related to Materials Science or Metallurgy.

  • Kinetic Processes in Materials OpenCourseWare: A Graduate Level Free Materials Engineering Course by MIT

    'Kinetic Processes in Materials,' one of the core classes required of all students pursuing a doctoral degree from MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering, looks at a unified treatment of atomistic and phenomenological kinetic processes in matter or materials. This course is available online as part of MIT's OpenCourseWare program.

  • Magnetic Materials OpenCourseWare: Graduate Level Free Online Course by MIT on the Study of Magnetic Materials

    The 'Magnetic Materials' course offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston is a sophisticated, graduate-level presentation of magnetic properties, including magnetostatics, domain walls, magnetic domains, magnetic anisotropy, processes of irreversible and reversible magnetization and magnetic recording. MIT is sharing some of the information for this class online in the form of OpenCourseWare. Engineers who are pursuing advanced work or an advanced degree in this field, such as a master's in Material Science and Engineering, may be interested in this free resource.

  • Materials at Equilibrium OpenCourseWare: A Free Online Graduate Study Course by MIT

    MIT's 'Materials at Equilibrium' OpenCourseWare is a required course for graduate students completing a doctorate degree in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The course covers classical thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, modeling and phase diagrams and theory of advanced solutions.

  • Mechanical Behavior of Plastics OpenCourseWare: A Free Graduate Level Polymeric Materials Course by MIT

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers the course 'Mechanical Behavior of Plastics' through its OpenCourseWare program. The course presents the basic concepts surrounding the reaction of polymeric substances or materials to applied loads. This course is a core requirement for students in the Polymer Science and Technology program and is an optional class for doctoral degree candidates in materials science fields.

  • Mechanical Properties of Materials OpenCourseWare: Graduate Level Free Course by MIT on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials

    'Mechanical Properties of Materials' OpenCourseWare examines the connection of mechanical behavior to the mechanisms of failure and deformation and material structure. This course is a core requirement for students studying towards a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering in MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

  • Mechanics of Materials OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Course on Materials Engineering

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offered a course in 'Mechanics of Materials' as part of its graduate curriculum in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. This course addresses the mechanical properties of polymers, metals and ceramics. It concentrates on the roles of microstructure and processing to control mechanical properties. MIT has made it available free as part of it OpenCourseWare program.

  • Photonic Materials and Devices OpenCourseWare: A Free Graduate Level Course Offered by MIT

    The science and technology of controlling photons, or light particles, has applications in data storage, data transmission, fiber optics and a variety of experimental research fields. The materials from a course on photonics, offered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), are posted online for free in the form of OpenCourseWare. 'Photonics Materials and Devices' will be of interest to engineers and students in graduate-level Materials Science and Engineering degree programs.

  • Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials OpenCourseWare: MIT's Graduate Study Course on Symmetry Theory

    'Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials' is a graduate-level course taken by students studying towards a doctorate degree in the areas of magnetic, photonic and electronic materials or bio- and polymeric natural and synthetic materials. MIT has made the information available free online as OpenCourseWare. The course examines the topics symmetry theory derivation, the properties of space and point groups and lattices and applications to elasticity and piezoelectricity.

  • Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials OpenCourseWare: A Free Online Graduate Level Materials Course by MIT

    'Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials' is a core course for graduate students studying in a Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering or Master of Engineering program in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. It is available online as OpenCourseWare. Students study material processes and materials from the viewpoint of kinetics and thermodynamics.

  • Welding and Joining Process OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Level Course on the Science of Welding

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers its 'Welding and Joining Processes' course as free OpenCourseWare. The graduate course focuses on the science behind the welding and joining processes rather than actual processes and techniques. The course is an elective for students pursuing their Master of Engineering, Master of Science, Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering.