Marine Organic Geochemistry OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Level Geochemistry Course

Published Jan 23, 2009

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A wide-range examination of organic matter and its cycling within the oceans is presented in 'Marine Organic Geochemistry,' a free online course by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This OpenCourseWare will survey a variety of oceanic processes related to organic carbon as well as the methods used for describing organic matter. This graduate course is ideal for anyone seeking a master's degree in Chemistry or Earth Science.

Marine Organic Geochemistry: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Marine Organic Geochemistry: Course Description

The study of organic matter within the oceans presents scientists with valuable insight for comprehending the underwater world. This OpenCourseWare explores the cycling of organic carbon in marine environments. Professors Timothy Eglinton and Daniel Repeta lead students through a multitude of topics, including organic geochemistry methods, biogeochemical cycling and radiocarbon in organic materials. Students will also learn important connections between dissolved and non-dissolved matter and be able to distinguish the qualities of sedimentary organic matter. This OpenCourseWare includes selected lecture notes and sample projects completed by on-campus students.

Lecture notes and sample projects are available for free online. Those interested in this OpenCourseWare should visit the Marine Organic Geochemistry course page

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