Form Finding and Structural Optimization (Gaudi Workshop) OpenCourseWare: Free Graduate Level Architecture Course by MIT Based on the Work of Antoni Gaudi

Published Jan 22, 2009

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In this Architecture workshop, students will come to understand some of the problems facing those who design 3-dimensional structures. The goal is for students to develop new tools that will help engineers and architects as they struggle to find the form that a structure must take when carrying a predetermined load. Now a part of MIT's OpenCourseWare, 'Form Finding and Structural Optimization (Gaudi Workshop)' is also found in the Master of Architecture course list.

Form Finding and Structural Optimization (Gaudi Workshop): Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Form Finding and Structural Optimization (Gaudi Workshop): Course Description

As an interdisciplinary offering, this course can further a student's basic computer programming and computer-aided design (CAD) skills. The course guides students in two major assignments. The first focuses on writing computer programs. Students can play with specific programming software and then write a simple, single-task program to show what they learned. Links to the free online programming software are listed in the lecture notes. The second assignment asks students to research various digital models and choose a project that fits their interests. Some examples include creating a model of an architectural structure, selecting a portion of an existing model and editing it, or creating a group of digital models using mesh resolution or some other criteria. This class was taught by Professor Erik Demaine and Professor John Ochsendorf, along with Martin Demaine, Barbara Cutler, Simon Greenwold and Axel Kilian. It was 12 weeks long with one 2-hour session a week. It is free and available to anyone interested in expanding their 3-D modeling and basic programming skills.

Extensive lecture notes on two course topics, assignment information and student project examples, along with other helpful resources, can be found on this architectural form design and structural optimization course page.

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