Feedback Control Systems OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Level Course on Control Systems Design

Published Jan 13, 2009

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Students interested in feedback control systems should consider the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) free OpenCourseWare aeronautics and astronautics course 'Feedback Control Systems.' This course is a graduate level course geared towards Engineering students who already have a basic knowledge of control systems, including the ability to translate control objectives into equations.

Feedback Control Systems: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Feedback Control Systems: Course Description

The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT in Cambridge, MA, offers OpenCourseWare exploring feedback control techniques. The course teaches techniques to adaptively change the operation of devices in response to changes in external conditions because there of feedback between the controller and the external environment. Students learn how such controls play a role in a large variety of engineering applications, from controlling large industrial processes, such as chemical plants to controlling the motion of airplanes. Students learn how to consider the effectiveness of controls and their stability to random perturbations. Engineering professor Dr. Jonathan How teaches this course. Students must have an understanding of the MATLAB software package.

This OpenCourseWare includes a syllabus, required reading list, lecture notes, lab instructions and assignments. Those interested in this free course should visit the Feedback Control Systems course page.

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