Experimental Molecular Neurobiology OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Undergraduate Neurobiology Course

Published Jan 27, 2009

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Students interested in learning the basic skills needed to conduct lab experiments in cellular and molecular biology could take this OpenCourseWare Neuroscience class. Offered through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 'Experimental Molecular Neurobiology' can help students who are earning a Bachelor of Science in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. The course material teaches students how to dissect a cell, manipulate strings of DNA and experiment with several laboratory techniques.

Experimental Molecular Neurobiology: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Experimental Molecular Neurobiology: Course Description

'Experimental Molecular Neurobiology' focuses on teaching students how to conduct a safe and successful experiment, even those who have little or no laboratory experience. After an overview of laboratory safety and basic skills, students learn the importance of documenting every step of an experiment so it can be successfully repeated. They also study the traditional rules of lab reports and practice writing them. The class also offers laboratory directions for students as they experiment with the laboratory techniques that allow for successful manipulation of tissue cultures, DNA strands and proteins. Professors Yasunori Hayashi and Carlos Lois taught this 13-week class on MIT's campus, breaking it down into one 2-hour lecture and one 4-hour lab a week. MIT students in the original class were expected to critique scientific papers, properly document their experiments in a laboratory notebook, present two oral presentations and demonstrate a firm grasp of laboratory protocol.

Drawn from the Brain and Cognitive Sciences curriculum, this course offers a reading list, lab experiments and protocols, and guides for successfully writing papers and lab reports and giving presentations. For more information on this Neurobiology course, visit this molecular neuroscience laboratory course webpage.

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