Communication Systems Engineering OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Bachelor Level Aerospace Communications Course

Published Jan 26, 2009

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Fundamental concepts of digital communications and networking are explored in the course 'Communication Systems Engineering.' Presented by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, this OpenCourseWare focuses on digital communications within aerospace communication systems and is appropriate for undergraduate students interested in earning a bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering.

Communication Systems Engineering: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Communication Systems Engineering: Course Description

Students interested in learning the fundamentals of aerospace communications systems should explore the free OpenCourseWare materials for MIT's course, 'Communication Systems Engineering.' Professor Eytan Modiano developed the materials for this course, which include lecture notes on entropy, the sampling theorem, quantization, modulation, signal detection in noise, channel capacity and coding, ARQ protocols, the Aloha protocol, routing in data networks and TCP/IP and the Internet. Topics are discussed in the context of aircraft communications, satellite communications and deep space communications. The textbook Communications Systems Engineering by John Proakis and Masoud Salehi is recommended reading. This course is designed for Aerospace Engineering majors at the undergraduate level. This course is ideally taken along with 'Data Communication Networks,' also available as OpenCourseWare from MIT.

The free OpenCourseWare includes lecture notes and ten problem sets. To download the course materials or to learn more about the free OpenCourseWare, visit the communication systems engineering course page.

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