Chemical Science OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Undergraduate Chemical Science Course

Published Feb 04, 2009

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MIT's free, online version of 'Principles of Chemical Science' provides students with an introduction to molecular structures, thermodynamics and other topics that form the basis of modern chemical science. This undergraduate-level course is part of the OpenCourseWare initiative and is offered through the Department of Chemistry.

Principles of Chemical Science: Course Specifics

Degree LevelFreeAudioVideoDownloads
UndergraduateYes Yes Yes Yes

Lectures/NotesStudy GuideTests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Principles of Chemical Science: Course Description

'Principles of Chemical Science' is a free OpenCourseWare course, geared towards students who already have a solid chemistry background. Course topics focus on theories of atomic and molecular electron structures, acid/base reactions and equilibrium equations. Professors Sylvia Ceyer and Christopher Cummins teach this course through the Chemistry Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Also included in this class is an examination of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics and catalysis. A basic understanding of calculus is highly recommended for students interested in this undergraduate-level course.

This course includes an complete set of video and audio lectures and a list of recommended readings. To download these free materials, visit the chemical science course page.

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