Urban Design Skills (Observing, Interpreting and Representing the City) OpenCourseWare: Graduate Level Free Online Course by MIT on the Study of Urban Environments

Published Jan 23, 2009

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'Urban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting and Representing the City' is free OpenCourseWare from MIT that teaches students ways of recording, evaluating and analyzing a city's surrounding in the field. While OpenCourseWare is available to everyone, previous coursework in Architectural Studies or Urban Planning may be helpful in understanding the material presented.

Urban Design Skills (Observing, Interpreting and Representing the City): Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio VideoDownloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/NotesStudy MaterialsTests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Urban Design Skills (Observing, Interpreting and Representing the City): Course Description

The focus of 'Urban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting and Representing the City' OpenCourseWare is to introduce ways to record, evaluate and analyze a city's setting using field or first-hand observations. These ways or methods include interviews of the residents, surveys, measurements, field analyses, drawings, photographs and observations. Ultimately students will be able to use their sensory faculties and skills to infer, query and test assumptions involving how a setting is valued and used. The course will look at street design, neighborhoods, transportation and the use of natural settings in city design as well as how to determine the history of a city, including social, political and economic trends. The original on-campus course included field trips. MIT Prof. Eran Ben-Joseph taught the original course. This is a graduate-level course intended for students majoring in Architecture or Urban Studies. The OpenCourseWare was originally presented in a field and workshop format and Spanish and Portuguese translations of the course are available.

This course includes a reading list, a bibliography, all course assignments, links to additional resources, course calendar and materials needed for the fieldwork portion. If you're interested in taking this free course, visit the skills in urban design course page.

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