Theory of Computation OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Level Course on Computation Theory

Published Jan 07, 2009

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MIT's free OpenCourseWare, 'Theory of Computation' is a graduate-level study of language theory, complexity theory and computability theory. In this course, students will expand upon their knowledge of computation through an in-depth and analytical approach that will include readings and sample tests. Experience working with mathematical proofs is recommended.

Theory of Computation: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Theory of Computation: Course Description

There is no debate that mathematical concepts such as the theory of computation are integral in the realms of engineering and computer science. Thus, students seeking an advanced degree in these, or related, fields will obtain useful and practical skills from this graduate-level OpenCourseWare offered by MIT. Professor Michael Sipser will provide information on topics related to computation such as automata, nondeterminism, hierarchy theorems and the Church-Turing Thesis. This course covers the same main concepts as MIT's undergraduate OpenCourseWare, 'Automata, Computability, and Complexity,' but examines them in a much more thorough and faster-paced method. The course is presented in a lecture format that will include readings related to the lecture material. Problem set homework assignments and practice exams will also be included with this OpenCourseWare.

Reading material for the course will be taken from Professor Sipser's book, Introduction to the Theory of Computation. These readings, the homework assignments and the sample tests are available online. More details can be found by visiting the theory of computation OpenCourseWare home page.

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