Solid Mechanics OpenCourseWare: A Free Online Bachelor Level Course by MIT on Solid Mechanics

Published Feb 19, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers its 'Solid Mechanics' course as free OpenCourseWare. Sophomore engineering students in the actual course apply their prior knowledge of physics and advanced math to learn about four key areas of engineering. These include elasticity theory and materials strength, as well as solid and engineering mechanics. The course is a requirement in both Civil and Environmental Engineering undergraduates programs.

Solid Mechanics: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Solid Mechanics: Course Description

'Solid Mechanics' is an undergraduate engineering lecture course that is required in the Bachelor of Science in Civil and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering curriculums at MIT. The course was originally taught by Professor Louis Bucciarelli. Undergraduates in this class learn fundamental aspects of structural engineering. They investigate the properties of building components like trusses and beams, and also explore the consequences of stress on these components. Through in-class design exercises, which are available in this OpenCourseWare, 'Solid Mechanics' students get the chance to put abstract theories and formulas into practice. Students in this course also take a companion laboratory course for further hands-on practice.

The extensive materials that Internet users can access through this OpenCourseWare include assignments and solutions, in-class design exercises with reflections, the downloadable course textbook written by the professor, interactive tools and exercises and a video course introduction by the professor. If you want to learn more about this free engineering course, see the mechanics of solids course page.

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