Social Policy (Welfare Programs) OpenCourseWare: The Open University's Free Bachelor Level Social Policy Class

Published Feb 11, 2009

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'Remaking the Relations of Work and Welfare' analyzes the history and societal impacts of welfare policy and programs in the U.S. and the U.K. The OpenCourseWare is offered free from The Open University and is suitable for advanced undergraduate students of sociology, urban studies and political science.

Remaking the Relations of Work and Welfare: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Remaking the Relations of Work and Welfare: Course Description

'Remaking the Relations of Work and Welfare' examines the links between work and government welfare programs in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Two case studies, one American and one British, are analyzed from four theoretical perspectives: neo-marxism, post-structuralism, feminisim and neo-liberalism. Readings and discussion questions consider the advantages and disadvantages of each theoretical framework, and how each may lead to different, possibly contradictory, conclusions. Special attention is paid to welfare programs where benefits are dependent on work. Discussion considers possible structures of the work-welfare relationship and how that interrelationship affects people receiving benefits, particularly when all recipients are not affected equally. The discussion is put in context with an introductory unit tracing the development of social welfare programs. 'Remaking the Relations of Work and Welfare' is an advanced undergraduate OpenCourseWare that is estimated at 10 hours in length.

The free OpenCourseWare includes readings and online resource links, with discussion exercises for each unit. To review or participate in 'Remaking the Relations of Work and Welfare, visit the public assistance policy course page.

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