Mechatronics OpenCourseWare: A Free Undergraduate Mechatronics Course by MIT

Published Feb 02, 2009

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The 'Mechatronics' course materials provide an in-depth look at mechatronic systems, which combine concepts of mechanical, electronic and computer engineering, like your computer's hard drive. The course is part of the Mechanical Engineering bachelor's degree program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is recommended for undergraduate students with prior knowledge of electronics and feedback systems.

Mechatronics: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Mechatronics: Course Descriptions

Mechatronic systems are systems, such as your computer's hard disk drive, which combine aspects of mechanical, electronic and computer systems engineering. The course materials for MIT's 'Mechatronics,' developed by Professor David Trumper, look at several mechatronic topics in great detail. Lab exercises provide insights into motor control, power amplifier design, digital logic and encoders and signal processing. Prior knowledge of feedback systems and electronics will be helpful to undergraduate students wishing to benefit from these course materials.

The OpenCourseWare includes examples of previous student projects, recommended textbooks, a list of useful resources and five lab exercises. To download the free course materials and to learn more, visit the mechatronics course page.

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