Language Processing OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Level Class on Language Comprehension

Published Feb 14, 2009

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The 'Language Processing' OpenCourseWare is an exploration of the connection between language symbols and the comprehension of them into something that conveys meaning. This graduate-level course from MIT is appropriate for students studying Linguistics, Computer Science and related fields.

Language Processing: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Language Processing: Course Description

Professor Edward Gibson teaches the 'Language Processing' OpenCourseWare at MIT. Using models of sentence structures, this graduate-level course concentrates on helping students to understand features of language like lexicons, syntax, semantics and grammar. Students will also study related topics, including the memory and the psychology of language. The course also looks at the applications of language processing technologies, including Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Online course materials include downloadable lecture notes, assignment overviews and a list of suggested readings. Do you want to know more? Then visit the comprehending language course page.

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