Introduction to Design Inquiry OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Level Course on Design Inquiry

Published Jan 16, 2009

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The OpenCourseWare project at MIT provides materials from the graduate-level course 'Introduction to Design Inquiry' for free online. The class provides an overview of different methods and tools for architectural computation and design. Required of all Master of Science in Architecture Studies first-year graduate students at MIT, 'Introduction to Design Inquiry' aims to help students develop their own approach to computer-aided and hand-drawn design processes.

Introduction to Design Inquiry: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Introduction to Design Inquiry: Course Description

In this course Professor Terry Knight of MIT introduces students to methods and processes for making designs and models. Students will study both modern, computer-aided design and more traditional, analog methods. Students are asked to use George Lakoff's theory of metaphor in their designs to help them think concretely about unfamiliar or theoretical topics. Lecture topics include design tools, design paradoxes and the rules of design. By the end of the course students will develop their own methodology for utilizing computation in their designs. The course is split into modules based around a theme. Each module features readings designed to add to the topics that have been discussed in the lecture.

The course materials available online include lecture notes and a reading list. If you are interested in taking this free online class, visit the introduction to design inquiry course page.

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