International Development Management OpenCourseWare: The Open University's Free Undergraduate Class on International Development Management

Published Feb 14, 2009

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The Open University offers an OpenCourseWare called 'Introducing International Development Management' available for free online. This course teaches the main components of international development to graduate-level students with an interest in Foreign Policy and Political Science. This course's website teaches OpenCourseWare readers the complexity of international development.

Introducing International Development Management: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes Yes No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Introducing International Development Management: Course Description

'Introducing International Development Management' is a masters-level course offered through the Environment, Development and International Studies department at the Open University. This course introduces students to the four main components of international development including development context and practice, development management, development institutions and development in difficult situations. This course teaches OpenCourseWare readers about the development of communities on a global level and the different people needed to develop a community. In order to gain a more hands-on experience, readers can review a case study regarding the sanctions inflicted on Sierra Leone in 1997. OpenCourseWare readers will require approximately 40 hours to complete this course. OpenCourseWare readers will also be part of an online community through forums and student learning journals, which readers keep throughout the course to record their thoughts and show to other students online.

The course provides additional resources and links to student learning journals and forums. If you're interested in taking this course, visit the complexity of international development course page website.

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