Housing and Human Services OpenCourseWare: A Free Graduate Study Course on Housing and Human Services by MIT

Published Feb 14, 2009

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A free course in 'Housing and Human Services' is offered by MIT online. The course is divided into two different sections. The first discusses the interaction of people networking within various professions and institutions affect housing and human services. The second focus of the course is on that of the needs of troubled homes, the mentally unstable and the elderly in neighborhood development.

Housing and Human Services: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Housing and Human Services: Course Description

Teaching this on-campus course are professors Langley Keyes and Martin Rein. The online version of 'Housing and Human Service's' focus is on how to better supply for the needs of particularly incapacitated groups like abuse victims or the elderly. Course topics include mental health housing, elderly housing, transitional housing, ex-offender housing and low-income housing. Students learn how housing and human services organizations orchestrate the housing of these groups and theories that could better the process if implemented properly.

The readings related to this course can be found on sites made available in the course's downloadable materials along with lecture notes and assignment criteria for the term project. For students who want to take this course, visit the organizations for the coordination of housing and human services course page.

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