Ethnicity and Race in World Politics OpenCourseWare: A Free Undergraduate Class by MIT on Ethnic and Racial Politics

Published Feb 03, 2009

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'Ethnicity and Race in World Politics,' an OpenCourseWare project from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, examines current political events by discerning the cultural dimensions by which they are affected. This free online class may be particularly useful for students interested in or currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.

Ethnicity and Race in World Politics: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Ethnicity and Race in World Politics: Course Description

Ethnic and racial identities play a large role in today's political climate, affecting political events worldwide. Professor Melissa Nobles taught 'Ethnicity and Race in World Politics' on the MIT campus and provides her lecture notes for OpenCourseWare students to download. In this OpenCourseWare from MIT's Political Science department, students study the prevailing theoretical approaches to racial and ethnic identity. Through the lecture series, the course seeks to answer several questions regarding racial and ethnic identities, using specific political world events as context. Major events and struggles examined include the Rwandan Civil War, the Bosnian War and the Darfur conflict. Students also study the emergence of international human rights and how those rights intermingle with foreign policy. Other key topics covered include how identities based on race and ethnicity affect political mobilization and how those identities interconnect with those of gender and class.

This free online course consists of a series of lecture notes, book recommendations, a reading list, essay questions and a sample student paper. If you'd like to learn more about the cultural dimensions of politics, visit the ethnic and racial politics course page.

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