Differential Analysis OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Mathematics Course on Differential Analysis

Published Jan 29, 2009

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'Differential Analysis' is a free OpenCourseWare class available online through MIT. This graduate-level class is the first of two courses that examine the uses of differential equations. The online version of this course is useful to students who are completing master's degrees in Mathematics and who are already comfortable working with Fourier analysis.

Differential Analysis: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Differential Analysis: Course Description

Professor Richard Melrose teaches this graduate-level Mathematics course offered by MIT. 'Differential Analysis' is the first of a 2-part course series for students earning master's degrees in Mathematics. It is intended for those who have already taken a graduate-level class in Fourier analysis. The subject matter of the course centers on various types of differential operators. Topics of study include Fourier transforms, wave equations, homogeneous distributions and Hilbert space. Students will learn how to apply these topics to solving both practical and theoretical mathematics, physics and engineering problems.

Lecture notes are available for download, as well as homework problems with some solutions. If you're interested in taking the OpenCourseWare version of this class, visit the differential analysis course page.

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