Algebraic Geometry (Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces) OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Grad-Level Mathematics Course

Published Jan 07, 2009

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Mathematics students may be interested in the free OpenCourseWare 'Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces' offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This graduate-level course introduces a variety of theories and techniques related to moduli spaces. Prior knowledge of algebraic topology will be helpful to students taking this course.

Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces: Course Description

'Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces,' originally presented by MIT's Dr. Izzet Coskun, emphasizes the application of intersection theory to determine the global geometric properties of moduli spaces. Through a series of lecture notes and readings, students learn techniques for studying intersection theory on moduli spaces, including the Deligne-Mumford moduli space of stable curves. Students will also study algebraic geometry topics, including homogeneous varieties and the Kontsevich moduli spaces of stable maps. Topics are further explored through three exercises that focus on Schubert calculus, the Hilbert scheme of conics and divisor class calculations. Knowledge of algebraic topology is helpful to students completing this course.

This OpenCourseWare includes a list of suggested readings, lecture notes and practice problems. If you are interested in learning more, visit the algebraic geometry course page.

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