Analysis I OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Undergraduate Mathematical Analysis Class

Published Jan 26, 2009

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'Analysis I' is a free OpenCourseWare class available through MIT. The course introduces undergraduate students to important methods of mathematical analysis. An understanding of calculus and differential equations is recommended to students interested in taking this course.

Analysis I: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes Yes

Analysis I: Course Details

Doctors Pierre Albin and Enno Lenzmann teach this undergraduate mathematics course. 'Analysis I' is intended for students who have already taken calculus and differential equations courses. The course explores the basics of mathematical analysis. As an introductory course, 'Analysis I' focuses on topics like uniformity, continuity and convergence. Students will study Taylor series and the fundamental theorem of calculus among other topics.

Course materials include downloadable exams with solutions, problems with solutions and links to other resources. To find out more, visit the mathematical analysis course page.

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