First-Order Differential Equations OpenCourseWare: The Open University's Free Undergraduate Differential Equations Course

Published Feb 12, 2009

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'First-Order Differential Equations' is an online OpenCourseWare offered for free by The Open University. At the end of this undergraduate-level course, students will have an understanding of first-order differential equations and the methods used to solve them. This course will appeal to students interested in studying Mathematics, Statistics and related fields.

First-Order Differential Equations Course Specifics:

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

First-Order Differential Equations Course Description:

The Mathematics and Statistics department of The Open University offers the free OpenCourseWare, 'First-Order Differential Equations.' This is the first in a series of two courses on differential equations. Students should have experience with basic calculus and a working knowledge of the rules for differentiation and integration prior to attempting this course. When finished with this course students will be able to understand and define the terminology associated with differential equations and their solutions. In addition, students will understand the use of Euler's method. Other course topics include integration, variable separation and factoring methods. Students should allow 16 hours to complete this undergraduate-level course.

Course materials include a downloadable course workbook, an online discussion forum and a learning journal. To learn more, visit the first-order differential equations course page.