Technology Strategy OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Level Technology Management Course

Published Jan 23, 2009

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The nature of modern technology confronts high tech businesses with a greater challenge than other sectors to not just innovate, but to find ways to make the innovation profitable. 'Technology Strategy,' a free OpenCourseWare from MIT Sloan School of Management's post-MBA system design and management program, gives engineering and business students approaches to overcome the specific business strategy problems of technology-based enterprises.

Technology Strategy: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Technology Strategy: Course Description

Spurning business strategy as defined through operational effectiveness, 'Technology Strategy' focuses on strategy as a system to create and capture value in the marketplace. This lecture course is divided into four segments, each approaching the question of value from a different angle and focusing on the particular challenges of the tech sector. Creating value examines vertical and horizontal market niches and identifying new business opportunities. The second section focuses on finding opportunities to monetize the value created, a difficult challenge in the tech market. The third and fourth sections discuss strategies for marketing and internal development. A full set of presentation slides from MIT Sloan senior lecturer Michael Davies covers the concepts in detail, and case studies illustrate each point. Course assignments outline study questions for each case study to prompt even deeper consideration of the applications of each concept.

This OpenCourseWare includes case study references, lecture slides and assignment guidelines. To download this OpenCourseWare, go to the technology and business course page.