Philosophy of Language (Vagueness) OpenCourseWare: A Free Graduate Level Philosophy Course by MIT

Published Jan 27, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) free OpenCourseWare philosophy class 'Topics in Philosophy of Language: Vagueness' evaluates and attempts to further the student's understanding of vagueness and ambiguity. Designed for graduate students, this course requires an advanced understanding of philosophical theories and methods.

Topics in Philosophy of Language: Vagueness: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Topics in Philosophy of Language: Vagueness: Course Description

Students interested in quantifying their notions of vagueness will learn a lot from the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT in Cambridge, MA, OpenCourseWare in 'Topics in Philosophy of Language: Vagueness' The course begins by analyzing how vagueness and ambiguity comes about in language, looking at how degrees of truth in speech necessarily include indistinctness. The course follows up on the importance of degrees in language by emphasizing how semantic choices require some interpretation of vagueness. Departing from verbal vagueness, students next delve into the concept of visual vagueness, which includes non-quantifiable measurements.

The course then covers epistemicism, discussing how vagueness in speech and observation leads to inexact knowledge. Ultimately, students learn how to identify vagueness in speech and observation and its influence on philosophy and logic. Philosophy professor Dr. Agustin Rayo teaches this course.

This OpenCourseWare includes a syllabus, required readings list, assignments and a full download of the course material. Those interested in this free course should visit the Topics in Philosophy of Language: Vagueness course page.

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