Microeconomic Theory II OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Study Economics Class on Noncooperative Game Theory

Published Jan 28, 2009

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'Microeconomic Theory II' is a free graduate-level OpenCourseWare offered by MIT that focuses on the use of game theory as an economic tool. The course is intended for graduate students earning a degree in Economics, but is available for any student interested in studying economic theory.

Microeconomic Theory II: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes Yes

Microeconomic Theory II: Course Description

This MIT OpenCourseWare provides students with a strong understanding of game theory as it relates to the academic study of economics and the real-world application of economic principles. The Bayesian Equilibria formula is used to mathematically explain game behavior. Students will explore both static and dynamic game situations. They will also learn how to overcome the challenges of incomplete information, especially in dynamic games. This lecture-based course is taught by Professor Glenn Ellison of MIT, who relies on Fudenberg and Tirole's text, Game Theory. 'Microeconomic Theory II', offered by MIT, is appropriate for students earning a master's degree in Economics or for business professionals looking to extend their understanding of economic theory. Completion of 'Microeconomic Theory I' is recommended for all students interested taking this class.

No lecture notes are available, but a Bayesian Equilibria handout and five problem sets are available online, as are exams from previous years. If you're interested in taking this free graduate economics course, visit the microeconomic theory course page.

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