Journalism Degree Review - Master Degree

Published Jan 24, 2007

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A master's degree program in Journalism will teach you the research and writing skills needed to advance your career. With a master's degree in Journalism, graduates may enter careers in communications, teaching and publishing.

Summary of the Journalism Degree Program

In a master's degree program in Journalism, you will acquire skills in research and writing. Courses will include magazine article writing, technical writing, directed writing and literature.

Specific Skills You Will Learn

Students will become skilled practitioners of writing, research, interviewing and grammar principles. You will take part in internships at local publishing houses and newspapers. Through consistent research, you will develop critical thinking skills and learn how to write effective articles.

Typical Coursework

Coursework will vary depending on the college you choose but mostly likely will include:

  • Newswriting
  • Computer-Mediated Visual Communication
  • Advertising
  • Copy Editing and Production

Career Related Information

Career Fields You Will Be Prepared to Enter

In choosing to earn a master's degree in Journalism, you will be preparing yourself for a variety of careers. At, students in the Journalism major are encouraged to enter into practical work experience within the industry. Some students choose to use their knowledge of Journalism and writing to continue on to law school.

Occupational Outlook For Journalism Degree Graduates Including Salary Information

According to, the median salary for Journalism majors who choose careers as reporters varies between $33,787 and $61,292 annually. Competition is steep in this field, but talented, determined Journalists will find opportunities, especially in Internet publications.

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