Electronics, Signals and Measurements OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Bachelor Level Electronics Course

Published Jan 26, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers free OpenCourseWare materials for its course 'Introduction to Electronics, Signals and Measurement.' Course materials are ideal for engineering students interested in an introduction to electronics and their properties. No prior coursework in electronics is required.

Introduction to Electronics, Signals and Measurement: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Introduction to Electronics, Signals and Measurement: Course Description

With a focus on measurement and signals, the course materials for MIT's 'Introduction to Electronics, Signals and Measurement' provide engineering students with a solid introduction to electronics. The skills and information learned in this course can be applied to a variety of engineering fields. Topics include time and frequency domain, superposition method, Thevenin circuits, frequency response and digital circuitry. Students are encouraged to use modern 'virtual instruments' as testing environments while exploring the laboratory exercises. Readings and lecture notes add to the students understanding of electronic principles. The course materials are the combined efforts of Professors Manos Chaniotakis and David Cory. This undergraduate course requires no previous electronics experience.

Lecture notes, a list of suggested readings, lab exercises and practice quizzes and exams are all available for download. For more information about this free OpenCourseWare, visit the introduction to electronics, signals and measurement course page.

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