Dentistry (Medicine II) OpenCourseWare: A Free Graduate Level Dentistry Course by Tufts University

Published Feb 12, 2009

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Students learn how to examine patients' health problems in an oral health setting in this OpenCourseWare. Offered by Tufts University, 'Medicine II' is a free course that helps students learn to examine medical history to provide appropriate dental care. This course is the second part of a graduate medical series for Dentistry students.

Medicine II: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Medicine II: Course Description

Discover how violence especially from a family member can be as important to a dental medical history as can illnesses. This course identifies how to address mental and physical illnesses so that oral health problems can be rectified. Tufts University in Medford, MA, teaches this course about evaluating a patient's medical history and tests to determine the patient's physical, mental and emotional status. Students examine how pregnancy affects the type of dental care and drugs that can be provided. This course about medical and dental care is led by Tufts University Professors Joanne Brewer, Geoffrey Wing-Lynn Chan, Kanchan Ganda, Jeffrey T. Cooper, Brian Downey, Arthur R. Rabson, Robert A. Kalish Raymond Lui, Richard D. Siegel and Hedy Smith. This course is specifically focused on medical issues that affect dental treatment.

Lectures, notes, a list of recommended reading and other resources are available for free online. For more information about this course, visit the Medical II course page.

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