Computational Science and Engineering OpenCourseWare: A Free Undergraduate Linear Algebra Class by MIT

Published Jan 24, 2009

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'Computational Science and Engineering I' is a free OpenCourseWare class offered by MIT. It is a graduate-level mathematics class focusing on applied linear algebra. Students interested in this course should have a thorough understanding of differential equations and multi-variable calculus prior to enrolling.

Computational Science and Engineering I: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Computational Science and Engineering I: Course Description

'Computational Science and Engineering I' is a graduate-level course taught by Professor Gilbert Strang of MIT. It is primarily a review course focusing on linear algebra. Some of the topics are convolution, Fourier series, Laplace's equations and estimation. Strang divides the course topics into three key sections, applied linear algebra, boundary value problems and Fourier methods. Students will study the Shannon sampling theorem, Parseval's formula, beam equations and much more. Students who complete thsi course will be prepared to solve challenging problems in computation science and engineering fields.

Course materials consist of full-length video lectures, exams from previous classes and links to resources. If you're interested in taking this class, visit the computational science and engineering course page.

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