Communication, Technology and Policy OpenCourseWare: University of Southern Queensland's Free Bachelor Level Communication Technology Course

Published Feb 06, 2009

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Advances in telecommunications have made our world increasingly digital. 'Communication, Technology and Policy' both explores and exemplifies the impact of digitalization; the course is offered as a free online OpenCourseWare by the University of Southern Queensland. Undergraduate Communications majors may be interested in this self-study course, which examines the social and political effects of upgrades to telecommunications and broadcasting technology.

Communication, Technology and Policy: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes Yes No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Communication, Technology and Policy: Course Description

Dr. Julianne Stewart and Dr. Ian Richards designed 'Communication, Technology and Policy' to guide students through the history of communication technology--from the printing press to the Internet--and the coinciding changes in society. Through the lectures included in this OpenCourseWare, students learn to analyze these changes from social and political perspectives. The course covers the impact of communication technologies on government policy and planning, the economy and culture. The consequences of new and emerging technologies are also examined, such as how hi-tech systems may limit the access of some social groups, including the elderly and those living in rural areas. Other consequences covered include how free music and movie downloads affect copyright and intellectual property. Students pursuing studies in Communications--especially those with backgrounds in basic Communications courses--may find this OpenCourseWare useful.

Lecture notes, reading lists, audio presentations and assignments are available for this free online course. If you are interested in learning more about the influence of technology on human communication, visit the communications course homepage.

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