Architectural Design - Level III (A Student Center for MIT) OpenCourseWare: MIT's Graduate Level Architecture Free Online Course

Published Jan 14, 2009

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This free OpenCourseWare offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) explores concepts for the building of a student center on the university's campus. 'Architectural Design - Level III: A Student Center for MIT' focuses on abstract ideas of place and being in relation to creating and participating in a community space. This Level III graduate course is recommended for those who have a Level II understanding of architectural designing, sketching and modeling.

Architectural Design - Level III (A Student Center for MIT): Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes No

Architectural Design - Level III (A Student Center for MIT): Course Description

In order to create a welcoming space, architects must consider what the space is for, who will occupy the space and what surrounds the space. In this free OpenCourseWare offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and taught by Professor Fernando Domeyko in a lecture format through the Department of Architecture, the focus was to design an inviting, usable space for MIT's student body. The course explored the idea of architecture as more than just a built form. Through examination and interpretation of a selected site, students reflected on concepts, such as light, sound, structure, weight and material then expressed their analysis through sketches and models. Students were encouraged to test the limits and experiment with design concepts and modeling techniques.

This Architectural Design OpenCourseWare includes assignments, a calendar overview and an image gallery of student projects. If architecture's your thing, then visit the creating a space that invigorates course page.

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