Marine Chemistry OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Graduate Level Course on Chemical Oceanography
A graduate primer in chemical oceanography is presented in 'Marine Chemistry,' a free online course offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This OpenCourseWare covers a myriad of concepts dealing with the chemical composition of the Earth's waters. Students pursuing a master's degree in Chemistry, Earth Science or Oceanography will find this preparatory information useful.
Marine Chemistry: Course Specifics
Degree Level | Free | Audio | Video | Downloads |
Graduate | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Lectures/Notes | Study Materials | Tests/Quizzes |
Yes | Yes | No |
Marine Chemistry: Course Description
The Earth's oceans are incredibly chemically diverse and contain nearly all chemical elements known to science. This OpenCourseWare outlines the chemical composition of seawater and discusses the factors that alter such composition. Students also examine various cycles of elements within the seawater. Instructors Dr. Scott Doney, Dr. Karen Casciotti, Dr. William Martin, Dr. Meg Tivey and Dr. Dierdre Toole begin with general introductions to topics, such as stable isotopes and marine radiochemistry. This course continues with more specific concepts, including major ions and salinity, hydrothermal processes and biogeochemical fluxes. This OpenCourseWare features audio-based versions of its lecture material via mp3 format. The course also includes an extensive offering of lecture notes and problem set homework assignments.
All course materials, including audio lectures, notes and assignments are available for free online. More information can be found at the Marine Chemistry course home page.
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