Training Methods and Continuing Education for Health Workers OpenCourseWare: Undergraduate Level Free Course by Johns Hopkins University

Published Jan 28, 2009

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A free course offered by Johns Hopkins University (JHU) titled 'Training Methods and Continuing Education for Health Workers' trains students in the phases of designing continuing education and training activities for all types of healthcare workers. The course is part of JHU's effort in International Health.

Training Methods and Continuing Education for Health Workers: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Training Methods and Continuing Education for Health Workers: Course Description

The International Health Department has placed Professor Bill Brieger's course 'Training Methods and Continuing Education for Health Workers' in the OpenCourseWare system. The lecture-based course focuses on teaching students to develop and implement training programs for health personnel. In addition, students learn how to identify potential participants, how to formulate measurable and attainable training goals and how to budget time and money for training. Students draw on and study real-life training guides for health workers and evaluate the effectiveness of the programs. Students in the original course developed their own training program as a final project.

The course site provides lecture slides, recommended reading list, sample training guides and links to helpful websites. To learn more about training in the healthcare sector, visit the continuing education and methods of training for healthcare workers course page.

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