Media Studies OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Bachelor Level Media Studies Course

Published Feb 07, 2009

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Explore the ubiquity of modern media in this free online OpenCourseWare from MIT. 'Introduction to Media Studies' introduces students to the critical analysis of mediated information, including print materials, photographic and cinematic images and digital data. This undergraduate-level course is ideal for students interested in studying Communications or Comparative Media Studies.

Introduction to Media Studies: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Introduction to Media Studies: Course Description

Although we are surrounded by images and data nearly all of the time, many people do not stop to think critically about media and the information that they convey. MIT's 'Introduction to Media Studies,' taught by Professor Beth Coleman, introduces students to the critical analysis of media, including performances, broadcasts, print materials, photographs and cinematic images. During the course, students explore theoretical questions regarding the role of media, including its influence on social and cultural values, politics, personal identity and behavior. The course addresses the history of changes in mediated communication. This free OpenCourseWare emphasizes network and computer culture, focusing on issues of intellectual property, peer to peer authoring, blogging and gaming. In addition to readings that explore the history of modern media theory, students are encouraged to watch several films, including Blade Runner, eXistenZ and Sonic Outlaws.

A list of suggested readings and written assignments are available online. If you'd like to learn more, visit the media and communication studies course page.

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