Mechanical Engineering Tools OpenCourseWare: MIT's Free Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Class

Published Jan 30, 2009

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'Mechanical Engineering Tools' is offered to undergraduate students earning bachelor's degrees in Mechanical Engineering. The OpenCourseWare materials, provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Department of Mechanical Engineering, introduce students to the machines and computer software tools commonly used in the field.

Mechanical Engineering Tools: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Undergraduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes No

Mechanical Engineering Tools: Course Description

With an emphasis on problem solving, Professor Douglas Hart and Dr. Kevin Otto developed the 'Mechanical Engineering Tools' course materials to provide students an introduction to the tools used in mechanical engineering. A tutorial helps students familiarize themselves with the MATLAB software package, a commonly used professional tool. Lecture notes provide instruction on the use of band saws, drill presses and lathes. Images are provided of Stirling engines built by students for MIT's popular annual spin-off. The course is ideal for undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students who need a basic introduction to the mechanical skills that are necessary in this field.

The OpenCourseWare includes lecture notes, two problem sets with tutorials and images of student-built Stirling engines. To download the free course materials, visit the mechanical engineering tools course page.

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