Kinetics of Chemical Reactions OpenCourseWare: A Free MIT Graduate Level Course on Chemical Reaction Kinetics

Published Feb 15, 2009

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) free 'Kinetics of Chemical Reactions' OpenCourseWare covers the basics of organic molecules. This course is designed for students pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry. Students taking this graduate course should have a background in advanced undergraduate chemistry.

Kinetics of Chemical Reactions: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
Yes Yes Yes

Kinetics of Chemical Reactions: Course Description

This course covers the basics of chemical reaction rate kinetics and is offered by the Department of Chemistry at MIT in Cambridge, MA. The course covers the different factors that determine chemical reaction rates. The reaction rates govern the speed of chemical reactions and in many cases determine whether a reaction is feasible or not. Students explore the role of the molecular structure of the reactants and aspects of the external environment, including pressure and temperature. In addition, the role of catalysts in speeding up reactions is covered. Computer simulation of chemical reactions using required software packages is also part of the course. Chemistry professors Dr. William Green, Jr. and Dr. Jeffrey Steinfeld teach this course. To complete the class, students must have an Internet connection, access to the required readings and access to the required software.

This OpenCourseWare includes a syllabus, readings list, lecture notes, problem sets, sample exams and a full download of the course material. Those interested in this free course should visit the Kinetics of Chemical Reactions course page.

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