International Political Economy OpenCourseWare: A Free Graduate Level Class by MIT on International Political Economy

Published Feb 15, 2009

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Students interested in the political motivations of economic decisions throughout the world can take the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) free 'International Political Economy' OpenCourseWare. This course is designed for students seeking a Ph.D. in Political Science.

International Political Economy: Course Specifics

Degree Level Free Audio Video Downloads
Graduate Yes No No Yes

Lectures/Notes Study Materials Tests/Quizzes
No Yes Yes

International Political Economy: Course Description

This course, offered by the Department of Political Science at MIT in Cambridge, MA, teaches students to use theory, empirical studies and policy decisions to understand the interrelation between international politics and economic strategies. The course encompasses both micro- and macro-economic decisions and consequences. As part of the course, students must apply the concepts to the vastly different problems of developing and developed countries. The first half of the course covers foundational theory for complex political and economic decisions. The second part of the course applies these theories to technological advances, trade, finance and the global market. Political science professor Dr. Nazli Choucri teaches this course. Students must have an Internet connection and access to the required readings.

This OpenCourseWare includes a syllabus, bibliography, assignments and exams. Those interested in this free course should visit the International Political Economy course page.

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